Thursday, December 15, 2005

Could it be the last blog from Thailand????

Hi all.

Well Danielle and I have just about completed our stay here in Chiang Mai which also means we are very close to heading back state side.

Over the last few days we have been having a great time with elephants at the only conservation site in northern Thailand as well as checking out the local "summer" palace of the royal Thai family and a few more Wats.

Oh yes and can't forget the shopping, eating and more shopping at the markets and vendor booths all around :-)

From here we take an over night train back down to Bangkok, spend a few hours there and then depart Thailand for now on the long flight back home.

Thanks soooo much for everyone who has kept in touch via email or updates to the blog. It really meant a lot to hear from friends this far away from home.

But wait there is more... I will continue to update the blog as I start the next phase of my journey as well as post additional links and pictures to some of the neat things Danielle and I have been doing over the last two weeks.

Catch you all on the flip side!

-Larry }:->


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