Saturday, November 26, 2005

Golden Triangle and Back

Hi all.

First off happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US!

I was able to celebrate the event in a small way by having a piece of pumpkin pie!

It was funny that there were actually restaurants which tried to put on American style Thanksgiving dinners (turkey and potatoes and the works). After talking with a few people I think I got the best part :-)

This week has gone by really fast! I completed the Level 1 Thai Massage. This means that I know a good bit but need to practice, practice practice :-) I am sure there won't be any takers for this.

Today (Sat) I spent around 13 hours on the road going up to the northern most Provence of Thailand. This was with a specific van trip which stopped off at a few interesting destinations on the way there and back but overall it was a long time in the van (about 5 hours each way and the distance was just around 300 km). Roads were twisty and as typical to Thai driving styles an adventure (think of taking a typical 2 land road and then using the shoulders on both sides and create a third, albeit illegal passing lane in between the two).

The photos above are shots from the ride. The large arch with the animals is a monument to the Golden Triangle. This was the infamous area between Burma, Laos, and Thailand which formed during the dry season as islands formed when the river ran low. The river is the border between these areas. These islands were then in no-mans land where major drug trade (specifically opium) occurred. Thailand states that they have banned the local growth of opium but you know how drug enforcement goes ....

The picture with the gold Buddha on the river shows the Burma side to the right and the Thailand side to the left. This river originates in China.

The other picture of the street and the arch is the Thailand and Burma (or called Myanma) border crossing. There are major street markets on both sides of the border. This area is frequented by the Thai's seeking even cheaper deals on goods just over the border. This is also a frequent spot for visitors who need a cheaper way of hopping over the border and back in order to extend their visa (which is why I was there :-) The standard Thailand visa is only good for 30 days. In talking with people who frequent Thailand they spend a lot of time crossing into either Burma or Laos to renew their visas.

Overall it was a pleasant trip and the scenery was superb. It was also great to be out of the city for a day.

So at this point I am safe and sound back in Chiang Mai (albeit stiff after the long ride) and will be spending the next 5 nights outside of the city at a nice resort called Tao Gardens

Take care all and type at you soon.


Sunday, November 20, 2005

Chiang Mai Stay

Hi all.

Wanted to get another post in for everyone. This last week has been an experience.

We visited a local Buddhist Wat (or monastery), learned how to make Thai food and was instructed in Thai Massage techniques. The pictures included are from those various areas.

On a downer when I tried to cross a very busy intersection just after dark here in down town Chang Mai I was struck by a passing pickup truck. This lead to a visit to the hospital and a number of bumps and bruises but nothing serious. It has been a week and I am already over the majority of the injuries. The hospital here could easily rival anything we have in the states and the quality of care by the staff was superb. I guess I decided to have to FULLY experience all things Thai. :-)

Moving forward I will be continuing my stay here in Chiang Mai for the next week plus where I will continue to learn Thai massage and check out the local attractions.

Take care and I will update in a week or so!


-Larry }:->

Friday, November 11, 2005

Hi form the Chang Mai

Hello everyone.

Well I have made it and finally got into an area where I can update things. I am currently in the norther town of Chang Mai. So far on my journey I have seen Bang Kok and a Budist meditation center outside of town where we stayed for 3 days. From there we traveled via night train up to Chang Mai.

Chang Mai is a much more managable city than Bang Kok. The traffic in BKK is just insain and it is very hot and humid all the time. Chang Mai is smaller but spraws. It is much easier to get around here than BKK. I will be staying here for the next 8 days where I will be learning how to cook authentic Thai food and learing the skills of traditional Thai massage.

Attached please find a few of the pics I have taken so far to give just a pinch of the flavor of Thai.

More to follow so stay tuned!


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Almost there!

Well. Down to the last 24 hours or so.

I believe that I have the last of my items all set and ready to be fully packed. Weather is a typical wonderful Colorado fall day (low 70's and wonderful blue sky).

Things are all set and the countdown continues.

It has been great catching up with everyone over the last few weeks. I am truly blessed with the support and friends that surround me!

Thank you everyone who has helped get me to where I am at today!
